What are the security challenges of protecting critical infrastructure?

With more advanced attacks being carried out, critical infrastructure faces a number of security challenges. One of the biggest of these risks is present everywhere in life – human error. While physical security offers the highest level of protection in any sector, many high-tech solutions still allow the risk of human error to raise its head.


Despite card technology advances with higher levels of encryption, physical cards are still required and can easily be dropped, lost or even stolen. Recently, we have seen the introduction of advanced solutions like cardholder verification, mobile credentials utilizing Bluetooth and NFC technology, various biometric identification methods and more. This is only one part of the challenge. With CCTV, technology offers solutions such as analytical and behavioural detection, which not only reduce manpower requirement, but address the age-old challenge of human error. All of these can be deployed to solve the security challenges of critical infrastructure.


This expert panel round table piece for SecurityInformed.com was provided by Richard Joslin, PACOM’s Senior Director of Global Sales.


Contact us to learn more on how PACOM solutions can help to resolve your security challenges.

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